The faces are simultaneously comedic gold and nightmare fuel.
The faces are simultaneously comedic gold and nightmare fuel.
I get "early boss that becomes a late-game enemy type" vibes from this. Guessing it'd be a semi-mass-produced model of robot people can buy for security? Like, not top of the line, but definitely something you don't want to run up on?
Damn them's some luscious locks. Gotta get my hair game on that level.
Top right followed by middle-guy.
Question though. If I'm remembering right the top-guys a werewolf right? Assuming that trait got combined into Mr. Middle, how's that work with the robot arm? Like do we not think about it or assume the transformation is extra agonizing on account of the whole shifting skeletal structure and muscles thing?
I'm surprised that the middle one worked at all! Mixing the appeals there was particularly hard but I'm real happy to know it worked out!
I came into these trying to make em as if they were characters made from scratch but your idea is way too interesting and I absolutely endorse that brand of thinking. Maybe he has to remove it every full moon and it accounts for preparation? Maybe it gets destroyed upon first transformation and it's a symbol for how hard it is to reconcile the beastly inner self with the technology that makes life easier? Love this sort of followin the logic through, it's so stimulating!
Favorite's still the one at the top. Redhead supremacy.
Handsome lad.
There's a lot of high-quality takes on demon girls out there, but the PASWG style always was my favorite.
Waste not want not.
Except for like, medical attention.
"Wait so one of them is essentially a demi-god and the other is pretty much just a back-alley brawler?"
"Pretty much."
"...HOW are they expected to have a fair fight?"
"Easy, we throw the lore out the window right after establishing it."
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18