This feels like the guy the villain sends in just when the heroes are about to escape. Man's spooky.
This feels like the guy the villain sends in just when the heroes are about to escape. Man's spooky.
"Guardin's honest work. Pays good, builds muscle. Keeps ya busy."
The Rock looks so fun in your style.
Honestly the majority of the characters in Hades are hot but Nyx is probably number 1.
Imma be real, the old design is MUCH cuter, but this one seems to make a lot more sense visually given the whole "living in a sewer" thing.
Yeah. I said on twitter that I wanted to redesign her to make her more monstrous and fit that "creature from the sewers" look and less like she just got lost for a few days. I'm glad you like it though
Cool gun.
thanks i bought it myself
God I miss this show.
The final boss of the training stage.
Nothing wrong with more bunny girls. Kinda wish somebody would draw them with floppy ears for once though.
It will never cease to amaze me how much you're able to make characters that are either blocks or plants emote.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18