If her face was a little more dead-looking, and you slapped a band name in some obnoxious font up top, this'd be some perfect modern album art.
If her face was a little more dead-looking, and you slapped a band name in some obnoxious font up top, this'd be some perfect modern album art.
Ghost with da glock.
Might not mind if the aliens invade if they look like this.
Shroom and doom.
It's hard to pick a favorite between, her, Big Band and Beowulf.
That a bottle of Jaegermeister he's holding?
Reminds me of Spike from the first splatoon.
They're just trying to figure out whether you have one because you're lucky or a scalper.
A character is immediately cuter if drawn enjoying a comically large burger, and that's a fact.
I'm convinced every dollar that game made that wasn't embezzled went to buying banner adds on youtube.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18