"Look sis, the dragon's got a hoard of treasure, he can breath fire, and he's always around. He's rich, he can protect her, and he's available. Can the knight really top that?"
His tiny brain makes the best arguments and yet all that comes out is "DRAGON BIGG FIRE GO FWOOSH"
she gets it tho, back to the writing room
I have no idea what's going on but the motion blur on the last panel is top tier so I don't really care.
I think the main reason I lost interest in Dragon Ball is because basically after the cell saga all the non-saiyan characters were pointless. Which sucks cause like, Piccolo is awesome.
Absolutely I totally agree. Though, I love Mr. Satan haha. Other than him though, the Buu stuff is boring. But Piccolo is the man for sure.
Well this shore is some great art ya made here chief. Fintastic, even. Dolphinitely one of your better ones. It turtally is, without a doubt. Think this earns ya five star(fish)s.
i cant think of anything thats both funny AND has fish puns in it for a response but REST ASHORED I AM THANKFUL 4 IT <<333
What a distinguished gentleman.
The water reflection is gorgeous.
I'm convinced with how often that get up of hers gets wet without eroding, it's not actually leather. It's probably a black raincoat she superglued spikes to.
Perhaps she has many of the same jacket
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18