Buff whale buff whale buff whale.
Buff whale buff whale buff whale.
you bet! The absolute buffest!
*buff highfives
No one draws em' better than you.
Imma be real I'm kinda done with homestuck but if they did make a second hiveswap, or hauntswitch or whatever it's supposed to be called I'd give it a shot. It and friendsim weren't perfect but the art was good and so was the music. If that got me through a couple thousand pages before I think it can get me through a $20 price tag or whatever.
A valid reason.
Come along with me...
Not sure about ALL the teeth being sharp but I can agree with you on the canines at least. Something about big ol' fangs has just always been aesthetically pleasing to me.
I'm obviously a fan of sharks, I want all the maw to be dangerous looking HAHA
Damn the lighting and reflection work on this is to die for, and that's not even going into the ship itself.
Only ever watched a friend play this game, but this guy was my favorite part of it.
Yeah, honestly loved the friendship between him and Marcus. He has a really cool design too.
I mean... the title's not -untrue-
Big hair, fangs and cool smoke effects. It's a trifecta of awesomeness.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18