Love the tag.
Love the tag.
When the Godzilla writers make a rock paper scissors movie.
You know for as dark as a lot of things that came out of medieval Germany are, their representation of angels is kinda tame. Some versions from the old testament said they had like 4 different animal heads and were covered in eyes, instead of just being photogenic people with wings. Kinda gives new meaning to all those times they said "do not be afraid."
lol, seeing an angel on earth would be a pretty freaky experience. XD
You know I remember for the longest time as a kid wanting a crossover between this and Ben 10. Then when it came I watched maybe 5 minutes and got bored. Such is life. Great pic!
I think I remember getting angry. Because it wasn't original Ben, but the anime version.
Ya know I clicked on this expecting something cursed and I was still shocked and horrified. So good job, I guess.
"Hey hey people- wait wrong persona."
Was OFF 2 ever a thing or did it just turn into a sort of Half-Life-3 situation?
I dont think it ever got an official second one (at least not to my knowledge). Probably at least a good fan-made sequel out there somewhere though!
Awesome! Great job on the leaf-hair too, I've noticed that's one of the details that's harder to get right when drawing florans.
This guy looks like he's having fun.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18