I like trains.
I like trains.
Cute but the arm on the right looks a little shrunken? Compared to the one on the left I mean.
Holy shit you're right, I updated the pic with a little bit of length on the arm. Any more and she'd look like an Enderman I'm afraid. I think its an issue with the peace sign hand being a little too long. Thanks for the feedback :) its crazy stuff you miss when you're focused on a drawing
The end of the world: Brought to you by Ru Paul. Alternatively titled "The apocalypse is a gay old time."
What I'm trying to say is this piece is fabulous in every sense of the word.
thanks, i didn't even know that's what i was going for, but you found the words for it.
I'm just imagining late medieval centaur-knights now. So thanks for that kick-ass mental image.
Sorry ya didn't get a position. Maybe you could use that new creation kit dealie they rolled out and make a fanventure? I know the more appreciated ones get coverage from the community. Maybe if they saw ya made something the fandom liked, they'd come around? Great art, btw.
Thanks, I hop I have the time to make one, I'd love to make one, but I got a lot going on in life. We'll see. ^^
Between the moments where she talks about writing friend-fics to the leg-mouths I SHOULD be weirded out by her. But she's just so damn cute. The background on this one works wonders with her character design, great job!
Thank you so much! Very true, She may be a little nuts but she sure is a sweetheart! <3 I had a lot of fun with the background, I have a habit of drawing complicated backgrounds then immediately deleting them to go with the one I enjoyed making more even if it's more simple :')
He's the bad guy.
Nurgle approves.
This... this is beautiful.
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Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18