Sketch art is a little ill defined as far as the scenery goes, (specifically everything but the toilet) but you really conveyed the gruesomeness. Also based on the tags, is this about that fighting game where you're fighting gangsters or something whilst shooting a snuff film?
Heheh yeah absolutely that bg was definitely a after thought
Yeah!! Manhunt!
Quality Job kiddo!
Thank you so much, I appreciate that!
Meanwhile in the background, evolution is taking place. I see the walking fish.
The Rando Army did nothing wrong.
Cozy and creepy at the same time. Actually, eerie might be better. Great job on the neon shading though.
I appreciate it, thanks!
I've been tag team gotten by a cyan colored Robbie rotten and his pet gremlin.
I uh, think I'll just shut my eyes and go back to sleep again, thanks.
I get that sites like Twitch and YouTube can keep doing this crap because they can literally afford to bury the competition, but with their shares dropping because people are getting more and more pissed, it's gonna be interesting seeing if any new sites pop up and survive the infancy stage. Tumblr was huge but now it's almost guaranteed dead.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18