Damn I can't believe Nagatoro sold her soul to the Elder Gods.
Damn I can't believe Nagatoro sold her soul to the Elder Gods.
I feel safer already.
I miss when she wore cowboy hats.
The best one has arrived.
Good game but damn that second-to-last boss was a difficulty spike.
Okay so are those like, plasma geysers in the back? Or pillars made of some sorta magic crystal? Because between that, the weird blue fog and the pink pool water this place looks like if you took the BBEG's lair and turned it into a vaporwave album and I kinda love that.
I was kind of flying by the seat of my pants on this one, so as to what anything is supposed to be, you're guess is as good as mine!
The title is Vs but they look too happy to be fighting to the death, so I'm gonna choose to believe they're having a rap-battle.
God Cyborg was so cool.
Deltarune be looking a little different from how I remember it.
I mean between microplastics, residual radiation from the odd nuclear meltdown and a f#ck-ton of mercury you're not wrong.
UHHH?? YUM FUCKING YUM????? EAT NOW????!!??!?!??
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18