Is it a crack ship? Yes. But in a weird way, I can see it working? It takes guts to be a pacifist but still regularly make yourself heard in Alternia. Mindfang could probably respect that.
Is it a crack ship? Yes. But in a weird way, I can see it working? It takes guts to be a pacifist but still regularly make yourself heard in Alternia. Mindfang could probably respect that.
An obscure Homestuck fact is that Mindfang actually made subtle reference to the Signless in one of her journals in canon while talking about The Summoner!
"Surely one at least on the scale of the sectarian revolt crushed 8y the High8loods, who thereafter for8ade its mention, or any invoc8tion of the heretical sym69ls at all, even in private journals. Which is why I will stick to the fa8le of the summoner, and not risk another execution with even o8lique reference to the compelling tale of the sufferer. "
She calls his tale 'compelling' which means she is intrigued by him/his story - which parallels Beforus Aranea.
But yeah, drawing them interacting with each other is always fun to do :)
Hand looks kinda tiny and the fingers look a little weirdly spaced, everything else is pretty great.
Thank you for your insight, I'll be sure to take note of that :^)
So if each state of matter correlates to a season and summer is already liquid, what about the other 3?
Summer is liquid, spring is plasma, fall is gas, and winter is solid.
On the one hand, horns and long-hair is such an aesthetic and it makes me wish I sported some.
On the other hand, I've long since grown out my hair and getting it caught on something every other hour makes me wanna hack it off half the time, so horns would probably double that problem.
Edit: That's advice I can get behind.
solution: let everything get caught in it. fucking destroy every room u enter. BE the problem u wish to see in the world
Ya know if he really wanted Ethan's help he could've asked a little more nicely, at least PRETEND he wasn't gonna weaponize his daughter once they beat Miranda.
Ikr. Think they just wrote that so Ethan could justify saying NO. But they shoulda given us a choice like 7 did
I mean for a city it looks like morning.
I'm really glad to read that
Ya never realize how odd she looks without teal splattered everywhere until ya see it.
i love my sharp wife
I'm not sure what my favorite little detail is, the shine on the earrings, the almost night-sky pattern in the hair, or the texture of the horns.
Somehow this is simultaneously more and less cursed than the original.
sfiasjfioa lol thanks,
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Joined on 4/8/18