Is this that one guy who's special move was performing a face-lift?
Is this that one guy who's special move was performing a face-lift?
Yeah, that one!
Love the laser trail on the eye.
with all the what I'm guessing is blood in the background I was waiting for the gif to get all sonic.exe on me, lol. Great gif though, extremely fluid, wonderfully made.
Thanks! The text is supposed to be spray paint with the text just filling empty space in the background, but I like the idea that maybe Shadow just drew on the wall in blood just to be edgy. Makes sense
A lot of your work seems to be literature based. Have you ever read "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho?
No, but it seems interesting.
Is this going to be part of an upcoming game? I kind of hope so for the art alone.
Yes but it might take a while. This is a rework of an old finished character i have.
I might release an old build for some feedback later in the future.
Was Nick Arcade an older version of Nick Games?
I don't think it was. Nick Arcade was just a game show like the Starcade game show in the 80s c:
Really waiting on that last issue of the comic. Mostly just to see where Heavy winds up once everything is done.
I feel ya buddy, hope we'll get to see it someday
I feel like losing a staring contest with this guy is the last thing you want to do.
He doesn't mean any harm, he's just always there, somewhere in the background, watching. Learning. Waiting.
The outline could be a little more defined but all in all this is SUPERB!
Yeah I know, I tried outlining it with pitt pens, but I already made one mistake, so I decided to post this version instead. Thank you for your feedback!
Wait tau have hooves?
Sometimes they are depicted with hooves, sometimes with something looking rather like toes, it's pretty inconsistent. Maybe recent official art and models reached some consensus but I decided to just go with what commissioner prefers.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18