Murderhobo: (unsheathing sword) "I mean if living's a problem..."
LG Cleric: "NO!"
Murderhobo: (unsheathing sword) "I mean if living's a problem..."
LG Cleric: "NO!"
I love how these characters already have sharp teeth yet your style somehow makes them look sharper.
Gotta hand it to you, this is pretty great.
Arachnophobia squared
Personally, I can't tell. But this is still pretty neat.
Runoff from factories can have some pretty gnarly effects on the local wildlife. Since this is a magic one, is everything fine or does the leakage turn animals downstream into like, super-mutants? Honestly both options are kinda cool.
Artwork is gorgeous as always.
Supermutants, definetly.
Always did wanna see a morality-swapped LoZ game. Though I gotta admit, Ganon from Hyrule Warriors, no matter how cartoonishly evil he was, will probably always be my favorite iteration.
Great au idea, by the way.
This... Okay yeah I really like this. If you were to draw any other plants, which ones would you consider? Maybe like the mushrooms, or snow-pea?
of course, I would like to draw more of the plants :-}
Love your style.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18