Boss enemy?
Boss enemy?
something like that.
The sorta cartoonish yet anime armor and claws give me Kingdomhearts vibes.
Biiig fuggin robot.
This'd fit in great as a secret optional boss. 9/10 times you get your shit kicked in but if you actually manage to beat it you get borderline game-breaking loot.
Edit: That sounds metal as hell
We actually considered using the OG design of this character for another project, where you'd be walking in some cave and be stopped with this thing blocking the only way out with rocks n shit stuck in them. Half way through the fight though her guts would cut open and the phase would revolve around trying to dodge and negate as much damage as you can from stomach acid pouring out of her.
Always appreciated that all the lovelies had innuendo names.
I went from D'awwwing to laughing my ass off at that last one. Glorious.
One of the odder parts of my metalhead groupchat is, for some reason, we have a discussion every two months without fail about whether elves or orcs are hotter.
Damn Deltarune chapter 3 looking wild.
She's built thiccer than the great wall of China.
-Wake up
-Remember what happened to my Zodiac troll in cannon
-Day ruined
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18