The scene design is pretty great, face too.
The scene design is pretty great, face too.
Interesting indeed.
Truly wonderful work. Love how they have a sort of dryad and mermaid aesthetic between the arm shrooms and blue whispy hair respectively,
Thank you so much! Thats exactly the look I was going for. :D
Nice to finally see some Shadowrun loving around here. Really hope they make Cyberpunk 2077 modable like the Witcher games. Could you imagine a total conversion to Shadowrun?
That would be a big job, but very worth it.
Answer: A meme.
Tell him he's gotta buy you dinner if he's gonna stare like that. Either he leaves or ya get a free meal.
Dang this is a pretty neat birthday gift. Sure they'll love it.
Thanks! They done did like it.
I see that IT reference on the arm. Super cute piece.
Thank youuuuu!!! 🖤
Rollin rollin rollin.
There's a clown car innuendo to be made here somewhere...
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18