Spooky boy.
Spooky boy.
Love the paper you used. Gives it a nice texture/color.
Cute but kind of hard to see without increasing the zoom.
Party girl and Buff boi. I can see how it could work.
Well heck if these aren't some radical sk8r dudez!
This reminds me of my first trip to Colorado. We were driving along this mountainside road at one point and I'll never forget what I saw in the distance. The clouds were pouring down the mountain range in the distance, broken up by the peaks in a way that made them surge forward (slowly) in points. The end effect was seeing what looked like a massive, white clawed hand was grasping at the peaks, as if ready to pull them up into the grey nothingness above.
The lighting, texture work, and simple but distinct design of the characters on the cliffs really pull it all together. Truly spectacular. It even looks a bit like the Cliffside wallpaper for the game "LISA: The Painful".
The character looks a bit fuzzy, but in this case I like it, the sort of grainy hazy texture about them. What I don't like is the general barren-ness of the piece otherwise. Aside from the light source, it just feels desolate, not in a monster in the mist kind of way but more so in a "unrealistically thick fog" way. Even a few faint but distinguishable silhouettes would be enough to remedy this, I think. All in all though the character work is spot on. Scene dressing is secondary, but nice to have. Gr8 work.
Rush B.
Roger that
Design is spectacular but the face is really throwing me off. Just doesn't look like him, not sure why. The splay of swords and smoke effects are superb though.
What a wholesome family photo.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18