Oddly reminds me of the character art from Fear and Hunger, style wise.
Oddly reminds me of the character art from Fear and Hunger, style wise.
Never compare my art to Shitdick & Sodomy ever again.
I can never unsee this, nor do I wish to.
Also I guess this would mean Malenia is at least as strong as two Primarchs. Get that's a bold leap to make but I know it'll piss of 40K powerscalers and that's reason enough.
Nah she isn't, she asked Nurgle to bless her with the scarlet rot just to not get stomped by Radahn who wasn't even fazed by her stabbing his shoulder
Happened to me too recently. Best advice I can give is walk your neighborhood. Lets you get some sun and fresh air and feel productive since you're out looking.
Thanks for the advice. I've got no luck
Ya gotta feel bad for Olimar. Busts his ass finding what are supposed to be rare, valuable treasures, and even if you get the 100% ending Pikmin 3 rolls around and confirms his boss still managed to piss it all away.
Our boy never gets a break :(
While obviously there's a bit of perspective here, I like to think she's also just mad-tall.
Hehe yes you are absolutely correct
Pokemon evolutions be like:
Nah but in all seriousness, glad to hear you're making a game bud. Maybe release a demo here on Newgrounds. Think "Monster Sanctuary" did that and it let them get a good amount of feedback before moving on to a decent steam release. And as far as it just being a fishing game so far, I mean, everyone knows a game's only good if it has a fishing minigame. So you're already golden!
I am so darn scared to release a demo here, but I do think it would be a great idea for feedback, indeed!
And yeaaaah, let's hope I get blessed by the fishing game approach, and not cursed ahahahah
Yo that's actually a pretty creative design. Be neat for a secret RPG boss. Like maybe if it has a driving mechanic and you speed on the road there's a chance for a random encounter with em'.
Oh yeah that would be awesome!
I know Robin was originally the Red X, but wasn't there like some, impostor or clone or other weird comic bs that happened later and made them two separate people?
Either way it's a crackship but I like it.
Robins Red X suit was stolen by some no name thief and the thief was never identified. A lot of ppl seem to want him to be Jason Todd but in the context of the show, Red X is just meant to be a ghost of Robins past coming back to bite him in the ass. The suit could be empty for all anyone should care (imho)
Vanripper really went and used a limited pallet on account of being colorblind and still popped off with some of the greatest character designs of the decade.
(Great art by the way. Red one's my favorite.)
Constraints really do breed creativity. (And thanks for the compliment!)
Honestly the most frustrating thing about Bane is how often he's portrayed as just a muscle-bound dumbass. That debut comic of his where he folded Batman in half was because he kick-started a crimewave he knew he'd try and stop. By the time they finally fought the bat was exhausted.
Yeah, I really don't like how gets treated like a jobber most of the time when hes one of Bruce's more cunning villians.
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Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18