I forgot about that episode where Peppa started doing crossfit.
I forgot about that episode where Peppa started doing crossfit.
Thanks a lot for that mental image.
Really good but the background looks... odd, in contrast. Looks less like magic mist and more like someone took a twisty crayon and went ham. Character design itself is glorious. Rare that I like designs that aren't symmetrical but if anything the massive fang just improves it. The slight skin creases near wear the snakes "emerge" are also a spectacular detail. Noice noice.
Yeah thats a valid take regarding the background. ive got a predilection for scribbling with a goopy brush setting i have whenever i draw things that are meant to be uncanny or unsettling, kind of to visually emulate the sensation of skin-crawling, but i know its can come off as a weird choice that doesnt do it for everyone, lol. thanks for the review!
Left arm looks a little thin compared to the rest of the body.
Thank you for letting me know! I knew something about it bothered me. I'm still working on things such as proportions. I'll try to do better next time!
Is he... falling into a well???
If he is, he'll just punch the well for making him fall!
Looks like an official company logo. Maybe you should look into doing some work like that? You'd probably do great at it.
Thanks for the kind words, I've been lucky enough to work with a few small businesses/individuals; and absolutely look forward to continuing to do so.
Your encouragement means a lot to be going towards that sort of thing.
Design is all in all adorable but the feet are wayyy too small. There's naturally small and then there's "how are you standing upright?" small. Other than that, ankles up are like 10/10. Top notch work m8.
oh shit thats actually on point thanks for mentioning that! Next peice I'll keep that in mind, thanks dood!
Might this be considered dieselpunk? Albeit very colorful dieselpunk?
yeah, it's a take on the battletech formula or "realistic" mecha, with a WW1 diesel punk aesthetic, the colors are based on actual patterns used by armies in WW1, who still had parade uniforms and used bright colors like in the days of the Napoleonic wars.
So a selkie?
Not exactly - Selkies are humans that can turn into seals and vice versa. This is just a seal-themed mermaid. ^^
Looks great but maybe some more slight detail on the wall? Like a few lines, sort of like a faded brick pattern. What's here is great but outside the window it just seems barren.
Ooo, yeah that would be a nice touch. Thanks for the tip
So's this gonna be a webcomic? Animated series?
Oh right it will be a webcomic, I will share more information at a later date! An animated series would be reaaaally hard to do right now.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18