Well this shore is some great art ya made here chief. Fintastic, even. Dolphinitely one of your better ones. It turtally is, without a doubt. Think this earns ya five star(fish)s.
Well this shore is some great art ya made here chief. Fintastic, even. Dolphinitely one of your better ones. It turtally is, without a doubt. Think this earns ya five star(fish)s.
i cant think of anything thats both funny AND has fish puns in it for a response but REST ASHORED I AM THANKFUL 4 IT <<333
I'm convinced with how often that get up of hers gets wet without eroding, it's not actually leather. It's probably a black raincoat she superglued spikes to.
Perhaps she has many of the same jacket
Oh hey it's a happy marriage. Be a shame if it WENT TO THE DOGS.
that was rly funny until i remembered that hs2 exists fml day ruined
So is it like lava around all the little islets or really stylized water? I cant tell if this place is serene or terrifying.
It's what ever you need it to be!
Ya know I never thought of using a Joy Mask as a hairclip but now that I've seen it I gotta admit it's BALLER. Definitely an improvement on the original.
it's supposed to be strapped around her head. but i can see how it looks like a hair clip
I like it.
Thank you ;)
You out during lockdown and see this, what you do?
oh man, totally getting GRASPED!
Krugg is a treasure.
Indeed ! So glad I discovered his works :)
Will ya drop an announcement when the full book's for sale?
Sure! Don't expect it any time soon though...
warm lighting is the best lighting dude. If I could I'd replace every lightbulb in the world with an amber one.
Also love the spongebob ref with the ice-cream.
this was originally just going to be the start of a dumb comic that turned into a background drawing.
may or may not still make that comic lol
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18