Not sure about the feet, or lackthereof, but from the waist up yeah this is a kickin' design my dude. The red eyes really contrast well with the featureless face, very spookeh.
Not sure about the feet, or lackthereof, but from the waist up yeah this is a kickin' design my dude. The red eyes really contrast well with the featureless face, very spookeh.
thank you so much for the feed back! I greatly appreciate it~
I thought about giving him "normal" feet originally but went with good "peg leg" type of look or spider legs. could made them sharper now looking back at this piece again.
Mermaids are so cool.
You right
Like your style m'dude.
Thank you!
of course!
Does being a dwarf make reaching the high shelves hard, or does the magic negate that problem?
He can reach books with Mage Hand, and in the next level, he will be able to teleport a LOT. So for now, it's not much of a problem, just a little skill check haha.
How was he transformed exactly? My money's on the pruning sheers he's holding, those things just scream demonic artifact. Any inanimate object that's got a single, unblinking eye when it shouldn't is guaranteed cursed as hell.
Hmm, that could very well be. I always try and leave a little bit open in the descriptions so people can come up with ideas. Yours is great!
Took me a second to recognize Becky. Was there ever another part of just that rough animatic?
I think the animatic is all they made.
Damn but it came out good tho'.
Thanks! I tried hard, but there's still a lot to learn here!.... that is, if I do any more pixel art..
These are some trippy new ideas, I like em.
Thank you so much dude!
It's been raining nonstop for the past two weeks where I'm at, so I kinda forgot what the sun looks like. Thanks for the reminder.
We can trade whenever you want.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18