Really well done. Nice seeing something in a rubberhose style now and then.
Really well done. Nice seeing something in a rubberhose style now and then.
Feel like Spear'd actually be smart enough to figure it out.
Animation was crisp though, quality vid.
Okay but like why is the animation actually so clean?
Quality animation but the finger hands are the stuff of nightmares.
wait 'till you see what's under his mask
Imagine a battle-royale that's just a last man standing as the back-hatch of a plane opens and you're desperately trying to latch on and kick everyone else off.
Kinda surprised with all the reboots we've been getting that someone hasn't made a fully-animated Scott Pilgrim show just going 1-for-1 with the comics for story and style.
I mean whoever got a hold of it would find some way to butcher it but I'm still surprised no one has.
Well, Netflix will make an "anime style" adaptation, so we really don't know what it's gonna be like, but hopefully it will hold up. I wanna stay optimistic, but Netflix truly is a curve ball.
Jesus that took a turn.
The designs are definitely high-quality and all but can we talk about how high-effort the backgrounds are? Like goddamn.
Not really feeling the voices but the animations are clean and the faces are top-tier.
Luma knows what's up. Don't let anyone talk shit to your mother.
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18