Why's this guy look familiar...?
Why's this guy look familiar...?
He's a Duel Masters card! if you played it at any point/would like to we have a discord server to hang out at ~
A game like spelunky where you have to assassinate a target before a timer runs out and this guy comes to get you would be pretty neat. Like there's a curse on your clan, and you gotta get enough money together to pay a witch for a ritual.
haha thanks a neat idea. the spelunky reaper is soo cool.
Lions... of Sanguinius... they got like mixed Blood-Angels/Dark-Angels heritage or something?
According to the client they're blood angels successors who have taken after the culture of their home planet. Space marines heraldry don't have to follow closely after their parent chapters.
When you try going out to see your girl during the occupation but you forget you're French and she's German.
oh sacre bleu~
After Peacock and Painwheel she's probably the most tragic player-character. She does everything she can to get Vitale's attention even though he really just sees her as a means to an end, and that's in her OWN ending. The rest see her either beat to crap or, in Eliza's case, outright killed.
i completely agree but heres my counter-argument: hehe funny kitty eat cool rock :)))
The lighting effect came out pretty good.
thank u!! but i'd hope so bc it took absolutely forever and made me wish to burn every rose in existence
Love it! But the gator diving back down is a bit abrupt. Maybe just one more frame where he's halfway submerged woulda been enough?
I agree he was too abrubt, I will work on that. 🙂
When you mix up the paintball range with the re-enactment field.
LARPzone a stone's throw away from the paintball death fields
The phrase "Metal Mouth" taken to it's logical extreme.
you bet! appreciate the comment and score pal!
You made him even more terrifying. How? And why?
the eyes have it
i usually draw cutesy stuff so it's a bit refreshing lol
Writer on AO3, lurker on Newgrounds.
Semifunctional Human
of Hard Knocks
Joined on 4/8/18