Bruh moment.
Bruh moment.
Now that's just really cute right there.
Pretty nice. The action was definitely the best part, but I think this is the start of something great.
Are... are ya feeling it n-now Mr. Krabs?
The design of the arm dude was awesome, and the toll dude was nine kinds of adorable. The music was perfect for the mood and pacing.
It's weird hearing Gordon talk in anything other than the "Freeman's Mind" voice nowadays. Great animation though.
I think they melded BECAUSE they're so different. There's no overlap, so much isolation between the two that there's no contact before this, and the first interaction was, thankfully, positive.
You look at other fandoms, like say Steven Universe and Undertale and think "Oh you two should get along great!" They share a lot of themes, some style, there's a lot of middle ground. But then someone says THEIR preferred side does x better. Doesn't matter what x is, could be narrative, could be fight choreography, what matters is that one fan says one fandom is better at it than the other. And then an internet fight starts. Not the pirates vs ninjas kind that's mostly a philosophical(?) time killer, but one where people are invested in each side, sometimes unhealthily so because again, fandoms. There's no overlap between Doom and Animal Crossing when you're being completely objective and not just memeing. No toes to step on.
People think that folks hate what's different, and a lot of time that's true, but you'll often find that things that are alike, but don't match with the "proper" interpretation of things clash the most.
Love your video format/style, keep up the good work.
It's almost like the more alien something is the easier it is to get along- as long they don't step on the toes of the other community. I feel like the Animal Crossing crowd isn't very likely to critique Doom's value as an FPS and the Doom fandom doesn't....I don't know what would piss off the Animal Crossing's fandom to be honest. Calling Tom Nook a capitalist bastard?
Anyway, I agree with you 100% and unfortunately I think a majority of the interactions between fandom's tend to be more similar to the Undertale/Steven Universe interactions.
Excellent animation. A strategy game version on here would be greatly welcomed.
Would it be like a card game, a RTS, or a mini figure dice game? hmmmmmm If I were to choose It would be a killer Card game. Like Uno but more personal and anger inducing like Monopoly.
Both monster energies are for Isabelle, you can't convince me otherwise.
There's something oddly wholesome about seeing the tank icon at the end of the credits while soft guitar music plays. This is a gem.
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Joined on 4/8/18